Sunday, December 26, 2010

Everything's Better Now... Except...

OK, the tremor seems to have straightened itself out.  Near as I can figure, I must have just had some temporary imbalance that got fixed with the next two doses of Stalevo.  But when I woke up this morning, at a time when I'm at my lowest level of dopamine, no tremor.  So we'll say that's taken care of.

That's the good news.

The bad news... I was taking my 6pm Stalevo last night.  Only I was taking it at 7:30 because I had forgotten to take it at 6.  I filled up a glass of water, took the pill, swallowed about half the glass...

Now, the next step would be to dump the remaining water in the sink and put the glass on the counter.

I dumped the water onto the counter and put the glass into the sink.

Then, last night, bizzare dream theater.  I don't remember a central theme, but here are some snippets.

Gail and I had a room in a hospital or domiciliary of some sort.  Only sometimes, Gail was Bob, my dead twin brother.  Some nerd at the end of the hall wrote a report on us saying our room was messy.  I went over and physically intimidated him for being a rat.  Gail wanted to call somebody, and I would let her connect with whoever it was she wanted to call, then I would pull the phone plug.  We did this over and over.  Somebody came to inspect our room and it was clean, except for where some bugs had gotten into the window.  Most of them were spiders, and they were busily encasing a large dragonfly in their web.  We got yelled at saying our room couldn't be clean if we had bugs, dragonflies and spiders.  The dragonfly broke free from the web, flew around the room and out the window.  The spiders chased after it.

There was more, but it's hard to put some of this stuff into words.  Bizarre!  That's what it is!

So, Tremor OK!  Dementia -- still suspect.

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