Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh, Those Crazy Hillbilly Neighbors!

First, let's set the weather condition.  It was a dry, clear Christmas eve.  No ice or snow on the roads.  So, I'm rather hard-pressed to explain how this van got where it did.  But then, I did voluntarily quit driving a year ago May.

Near as I can figure, one of my hillbilly trailer park neighbors may have had a sip too much egg nog and, perhaps, veered ever-so-slightly from the paved roadway... onto this steep decline which leads to a wooded creek some 60 feet below.

A little while ago, Gail noticed a pick up truck had pulled up with a guy and a girl in it.  The guy was wearing a hat, so there was no telling if he had a mullet or not.  I'm guessing he did.  Gail said the girl SCREAMED and SCREAMED and SCREAMED at him, although she could not make out the words.  Then they drove away.

That's no way to spend Christmas.  No way at all.

But worry not.  This drunk hillbilly will no doubt recover in time to join the hordes of OTHER drunken hillbillies by New Year's Eve so they can hoot and holler and drink and yell and SHOOT THEIR GUNS -- (hopefully) into the air at the stroke of midnight.

This is such a REFINED place to live!

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